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New Haven Independent

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Location: New Haven Conn.

Grant Amount: $10,000
Foundation: Glaser Progress Foundation

Grant Amount: $230,000
Foundation: Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Grant Amount: $40,000
Foundation: Connecticut Health Fdn

Grant Amount: $245,000
Foundation: The Cmty Fdn for Greater New Haven

Grant Amount: $75,000
Foundation: The Cmty Fdn for Greater New Haven

Grant Amount: $55,000
Foundation: Wm Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund

Grant Amount: $185,000
Foundation: The Universal Health Care Fdn of Conn.

Grant Amount: $202,500
Foundation: The Cmty Fdn for Greater New Haven

Grant Amount: $22,000
Foundation: Connecticut Health Fdn

Grant Amount: $58,000
Foundation: The CS Fund

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