Blog aggregator or metablog for Austin Texas: features politics, economics, entertainment, connectivity etc.
Site Url:
Feed Url:
Target community: Austin Texas
Is the site active? Yes
Professional journalists? --
Paid staff? --
Is the site part of a network? --
Is the site a media affiliate? --
Content created by:
Who contributes to your content?
- Professional journalists:
- Community members:
- Students:
- Aggregate content of others:
- Others:
Site's focus:
Target audience size:
Year founded: --
Who or what started your project?
Update frequency:
Which online networks do you use?
Does your site aggregate content from other online sites? --
Does your site provide training? --
Business model:
What are your sources of revenue?- How many full time staffers:
- How many part-time staffers:
- How many volunteers:
- How many students:
Annual operating budget:
Contact Information
Location: Austin, TX, United States of America
Contact URL:
1 means "not very important" and 6 means "very important"
- Covering news not covered:
- Watchdogging local government and public officials:
- Investigating issues or wrongdoings:
- Helping your community solve problems:
- Empowering community members:
- Developing opportunities for community dialogue:
- Collaborating with local partners:
- Involving community to shape local content:
- Making a profit:
- Being a sustainable operation: