Site Url:
Target community: Greater St. Louis area, MO
Is the site active? --
Professional journalists? --
Paid staff? --
Is the site part of a network? --
Is the site a media affiliate? --
Content created by:
Who contributes to your content?
- Professional journalists:
- Community members: 80%
- Students: 10%
- Aggregate content of others:
- Others: 10%
Site's focus: Provide news articles as a resource for nonprofit professionals,promote community engagement
Target audience size: more than 100,000
Year founded: 2010
Who or what started your project?
- an individual
Update frequency: once a day
Which online networks do you use?
- Facebook:
- Twitter:!/501Connect
- LinkedIn:
Does your site aggregate content from other online sites? No
Does your site provide training? No
Business model: Informal
What are your sources of revenue?- advertising
- donors
- other sources
- How many full time staffers:
- How many part-time staffers:
- How many volunteers: 4
- How many students:
Annual operating budget: less than $100,000 per year
Contact Information
Location: St. Louis, MO, United States of America
Contact URL:
1 means "not very important" and 6 means "very important"
- Covering news not covered: 6
- Watchdogging local government and public officials: 3
- Investigating issues or wrongdoings: 3
- Helping your community solve problems: 6
- Empowering community members: 6
- Developing opportunities for community dialogue: 6
- Collaborating with local partners: 6
- Involving community to shape local content: 6
- Making a profit: 1
- Being a sustainable operation:
What else should people know about your site?
501CONNECT is a St. Louis, MO online community resource designed to be a resource for nonprofit organizations 'and' their stakeholders: donors, volunteers, board members and the communities these organizations serve. 501CONNECT is the only online resource dedicated exclusively to the St. Louis area nonprofit community.
In the spirit of building awareness, our feature articles cover not for profit organizations, the communities they serve, people that inspire us and charity events. You will also find information and advice from nonprofit and philanthropic leaders in the St. Louis Community, covering various aspects of the not for profit environment, including: planning, development, fundraising, financial management, board development and volunteer base. We believe that sharing knowledge and inspiring others are essential components of social responsibility.
In addition to nonprofit coverage, 501CONNECT provides a platform for nonprofit organizations to connect with community members and cultivate relationships. 501CONNECT offers resources, listings, technical knowledge and other information within one venue, providing value and synergies to St. Louis not for profit organizations at no cost to them with the overall objective of strengthening each organization and the St. Louis community as a whole.
501CONNECT introduces community members to the not for profit sector and promotes personal involvement.