Types of InterviewsWhat do you want and how do you get it?Interviews are hardly one-size-fits-all. They can be formal or informal, a quick confirmation or a long conversation. This chapter presents 10 types of interviews — some of which you may not have considered interviews at all — to show you how versatile the tool can be. Even if you don't have time to do a formal, sit-down interview, this chapter provides advice on using interviews to get information, incorporate other perspectives and double-check information. Meghan McDermott of Global Action Project, a New York City youth media arts organization, tells aspiring citizen journalists to interview themselves first about what they want:
These questions can help you determine whom to interview, what approach to take and what type of interview to conduct, says McDermott, executive director of the project, which teaches students to produce videos that address social-justice issues in their lives and neighborhoods. What kind of interview do you use?Here are the 10 types of interviews journalists use most often, including some sample scripts you could follow.